Ka’ab bin Ujrah r.a. berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Akan datang di kemudian hari nanti, setelah aku tiada; beberapa pemimpin yang berdusta dan berbuat aniaya. Maka barang siapa yang membenarkan kedustaan mereka dan membantu (mendukung) tindakan mereka yang aniaya itu, maka ia bukan termasuk umatku, dan bukanlah aku daripadanya. Dan ia tidak akan dapat sampai datang ke telaga (yang ada di syurga);- (Riwayat Tirmidzi, Nasae’i dan Hakim).
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Bakal menantu PM didakwa tipu AS$20 juta
New York Post
Last Updated: Tue., Jun. 12, 2012, 03:16am

Kazakhstan president’s nephew cheated his way into Columbia University: lawsuit
Last Updated: 5:10 AM, June 11, 2012
Posted: 1:52 AM, June 11, 2012
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The grifter who swindled his gloriously connected Kazakh stepfather out of a $20 million Plaza condo also conned his way into Columbia University, court papers charge.
Daniyar Nazarbayev — whose stepdad is the brother of Kazak President Nursultan Nazarbayev — landed at the college using “fraudulent and fabricated” paperwork from a high school he didn’t actually attend, the court papers say.
When applying, Daniyar allegedly claimed he had graduated from a high school in Kazakhstan.
He actually went to high school in Switzerland — and never graduated, sources said.
Daniyar Nazarbayev
Christian Johnston
Daniyar Nazarbayev
Even Daniyar’s influential last name isn’t real, the court papers say.
His actual surname is Kesikbayev. His mother, Maira, allegedly had his birth certificate changed after she married Bolat Nazarbayev in 2001.
The marriage was annulled last year.
Daniyar, now 24, graduated from Columbia in 2010. A knowledgeable source said that the allegations were reported to Columbia but that it was unclear whether school officials had taken action.
Daniyar’s name is still in the school’s alumni directory.
A Columbia spokesman refused to comment.
The allegations are part of Bolat’s suit against Maira and her son in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he has accused them of taking advantage of his trust to swipe the Plaza pad and help themselves to two other multimillion-dollar apartments on Wall Street.
Bolat says he has discovered that Maira has had several aliases — and that she’s wanted by Interpol and Kazakh authorities for crimes including kidnapping and extortion.
But Maira, 50, now lives in her son’s condo at The Plaza, a four-bedroom, 4,000-square-foot apartment with 3 1/2 bathrooms. It has been listed as a $68,000-a-month rental.
She was unable to be reached for comment. There was no phone number for the apartment, and The Post was not allowed by Plaza security to knock on her door last week.
Daniyar, meanwhile, is missing.
In court filings, Bolat’s lawyers said they have searched for him in five countries — including Malaysia, where he’s reportedly engaged to the prime minister’s daughter, Nooryana Najwa, whom a source said he met at Columbia.
Bolat had been looking to buy a New York apartment in 2008, and Maira and Daniyar got him to give them power of attorney so they could close the deal without him present.
The suit says Daniyar was supposed to put the apartment in his stepdad’s name but added his mom’s. About eight months later, she sold it to Daniyar for $1, court papers say.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/kazakh_columbia_con_job_Rzm2pW72MO90nyHRMCyctL#ixzz1xYpoI3hx
Dokumen mahkamah Amerika Syarikat mendakwa warganegara Kazakhtan Daniyar Nazarbayev, yang bertunang dengan anak perempuan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, terlibat dalam penipuan.
Dokumen mahkamah yang difailkan di Mahkamah Agung Manhattan mendakwa, dia menipu bapa tirinya seunit kondominium bernilai AS$20 (RM62 juta) dan memasuki Universiti Columbia menggunakan dokumen palsu.
Nooryana Najwa Najib and Daniyar NazarbayevMenurut The New York Post hari ini, dokumen mahkamah itu menyebut, Daniyar memalsukan dokumen untuk memberikan gambaran bahawa dia berkelulusan daripada sekolah tinggi di Kazakhstan.
Bagaimanapun, sumber akhbar itu berkata, dia sebenarnya bersekolah di Switzerland dan tidak menamatkan pelajaran.
Rekod Columbia masih menunjukkan Daniyar masih dalam senarai bekas pelajar dan bergraduasi pada 2010.
The New York Post melaporkan jurucakap Columbia sudah dihubungi tetapi enggan mengulasnya.
New York Post
Last Updated: Tue., Jun. 12, 2012, 03:16am

Kazakhstan president’s nephew cheated his way into Columbia University: lawsuit
Last Updated: 5:10 AM, June 11, 2012
Posted: 1:52 AM, June 11, 2012
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The grifter who swindled his gloriously connected Kazakh stepfather out of a $20 million Plaza condo also conned his way into Columbia University, court papers charge.
Daniyar Nazarbayev — whose stepdad is the brother of Kazak President Nursultan Nazarbayev — landed at the college using “fraudulent and fabricated” paperwork from a high school he didn’t actually attend, the court papers say.
When applying, Daniyar allegedly claimed he had graduated from a high school in Kazakhstan.
He actually went to high school in Switzerland — and never graduated, sources said.
Daniyar Nazarbayev
Christian Johnston
Daniyar Nazarbayev
Even Daniyar’s influential last name isn’t real, the court papers say.
His actual surname is Kesikbayev. His mother, Maira, allegedly had his birth certificate changed after she married Bolat Nazarbayev in 2001.
The marriage was annulled last year.
Daniyar, now 24, graduated from Columbia in 2010. A knowledgeable source said that the allegations were reported to Columbia but that it was unclear whether school officials had taken action.
Daniyar’s name is still in the school’s alumni directory.
A Columbia spokesman refused to comment.
The allegations are part of Bolat’s suit against Maira and her son in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he has accused them of taking advantage of his trust to swipe the Plaza pad and help themselves to two other multimillion-dollar apartments on Wall Street.
Bolat says he has discovered that Maira has had several aliases — and that she’s wanted by Interpol and Kazakh authorities for crimes including kidnapping and extortion.
But Maira, 50, now lives in her son’s condo at The Plaza, a four-bedroom, 4,000-square-foot apartment with 3 1/2 bathrooms. It has been listed as a $68,000-a-month rental.
She was unable to be reached for comment. There was no phone number for the apartment, and The Post was not allowed by Plaza security to knock on her door last week.
Daniyar, meanwhile, is missing.
In court filings, Bolat’s lawyers said they have searched for him in five countries — including Malaysia, where he’s reportedly engaged to the prime minister’s daughter, Nooryana Najwa, whom a source said he met at Columbia.
Bolat had been looking to buy a New York apartment in 2008, and Maira and Daniyar got him to give them power of attorney so they could close the deal without him present.
The suit says Daniyar was supposed to put the apartment in his stepdad’s name but added his mom’s. About eight months later, she sold it to Daniyar for $1, court papers say.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/kazakh_columbia_con_job_Rzm2pW72MO90nyHRMCyctL#ixzz1xYpoI3hx
Dokumen mahkamah Amerika Syarikat mendakwa warganegara Kazakhtan Daniyar Nazarbayev, yang bertunang dengan anak perempuan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, terlibat dalam penipuan.
Dokumen mahkamah yang difailkan di Mahkamah Agung Manhattan mendakwa, dia menipu bapa tirinya seunit kondominium bernilai AS$20 (RM62 juta) dan memasuki Universiti Columbia menggunakan dokumen palsu.
Nooryana Najwa Najib and Daniyar NazarbayevMenurut The New York Post hari ini, dokumen mahkamah itu menyebut, Daniyar memalsukan dokumen untuk memberikan gambaran bahawa dia berkelulusan daripada sekolah tinggi di Kazakhstan.
Bagaimanapun, sumber akhbar itu berkata, dia sebenarnya bersekolah di Switzerland dan tidak menamatkan pelajaran.
Rekod Columbia masih menunjukkan Daniyar masih dalam senarai bekas pelajar dan bergraduasi pada 2010.
The New York Post melaporkan jurucakap Columbia sudah dihubungi tetapi enggan mengulasnya.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Gambar TG Nik Aziz salam wanita bukan muhrim masyaallah

Kesal dengan sikap manusia dimuka bumi Allah ini tidak takut pada dosa dan pahala dan selalu ingkar akan arahan dan larangan Allah s.w.t. Dengan sewenangnya menabur kata-kata kesat , menfitnah dan menghina para ulama serta hukum Allah itu sendiri.
Kerana keuntungan sedikit didunia yang fana mereka sanggup menempahan dosa untuk diri sendiri. Aku bukalah nak membodek sangat pada Nik Aziz tapi kalau di lihat pada gambar sungguh menampakan kebodohan manusia itu sendiri.
Kalau di tanya 100% aku tak mempercayai gambar yang disebar oleh cybertropper Umno ini yang sengaja mereka cipta untuk kerja bodoh mereka.Jadi untuk mengesahkan gambar itu betul betul fitnah aku lampirkan gambar( 2 ) yang asli kemudian di potong gambar Haliry Clinton kemudian di paste gambar Tok Guru...,adakah anda percaya TGNA akan melakukan benda yang diharamkan oleh Allah?
Maka kita tidak hairan akan fitnah ini kerana fitnah sex, rasuah , menyalahgunaan kuasa dari pucuk sehingga ke bawah dalam parti Umno sudah sebati umpama aur dengan tebing. Busuk sampai keusus kata Mahathir..
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Aisyah (Artis-Penyanyi) Hijau ke Putrajaya
Pada Malam himpunan Hijau ..Aishah sunggoh terharu dan perasaan hiba dan menangis seketika dengan sambutan yang hebat dalam himpunan hijau. Beliau menceritakan bahawa dalam program bersama PAS menjelajah seluruh negara ,semenjak menjadi ahli PAS , inilah sambutan yang paling hebat dan beliau rasa gementar dan ketaq kata orang utara. Dii satu ketika semasa ceramah beliau yang diberikan masa hanya 8 minit untuk setiap penceramah , beliau memohon supaya PAS menjaga dan mentarbiah artis supaya lebih baik dari dulu dalam keadaan menangis terharu.. Dalam dunia artis ini banyak laluan liku dan duri ranjau. Beliau hanya melihat PAS sahaja yang dapat mengubah cara hidup dan gaya golongan ARTIS..
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